Publications 2017

Addison, J. A., J. Barron, B. Finney, D. Bukry, L. Kusler, L. Heusser and C. R. Alexander.  2017. A Holocene record of ocean productivity and upwelling from the northern California continental slope. Quaternary International (pagination pending).  doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.02.021

Alexander, C. R., and H. L. Windom. 2017.  Material mobilization and transport in the Anadyr River-Estuarine System, eastern Siberia. Journal of Coastal Research 33(3): 548-563.  doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00044.1    doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00044.1

Alexander, C. R., J. Y. S. Hodgson, and J. A. Brandes. 2017. Sedimentary processes and products in a mesotidal salt marsh environment: insights from Groves Creek, Georgia. Geo-Marine Letters 37(4): 345-359.  doi: 10.1007/s00367-017-0499-1

Arnold, W. S., S. D. Meyers, S. P. Geiger, M. E. Luther, D. Narváez, M. E. Frischer, and E. Hofmann.  2017. Applying a coupled biophysical model to predict larval dispersal and source/sink relationships in a depleted metapopulation of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica.    Journal of Shellfish Research 36(1): 101-118.  doi: 10.2983/036.036.0112

Barber, A., J. Brandes, A. Leri, K. Lalonde, K. Balind, S. Wirick, J. Wang, and Y. Gelinas. 2017. Preservation of organic matter in marine sediments by inner-sphere interactions with reactive iron. Scientific Reports 7: 366 (article number). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00494-0

Bray, M. S., J. Wu, B. C. Reed, C. B. Kretz, K. M. Belli, R. L. Simister, C. Henny, F. J. Stewart, T. J. DiChristina, J. A. Brandes, D. A. Fowle, S. A. Crowe, and J. B. Glass. 2017. Shifting microbial communities sustain multiyear iron reduction and methanogenesis in ferruginous sediment incubations. Geobiology (pagination pending). doi: 10.1111/gbi.12239

Chang, D., W. C. Wu, C. R. Edwards, and F. M. Zhang.  2017.  Motion tomography: Mapping flow fields using autonomous underwater vehicles. International Journal of Robotics Research 36(3): 320-336.  doi: 10.1177/0278364917698747

Dittmar, T., A. Stubbins, T. Ito, and D. C. Jones.  2017.  Comment on “Dissolved organic sulfur in the ocean: Biogeochemistry of a petagram inventory.” Science 356 (6340): 813.  doi: 10.1126/science.aam6039

Fitzsimmons, J. N., S. G. John, C. M. Marsay, C. L. Hoffman, S. L. Nicholas, B. M. Toner, C. R. German, and R. M. Sherrell. 2017. Iron persistence in a distal hydrothermal plume supported by dissolved-particulate exchange.  Nature Geoscience 10(3): 195-201. doi: 10.1038/ngeo2900

Giering, S. L. C., R. Sanders, A. P. Martin, S. A. Henson, J. S. Riley, C. M. Marsay, and D. G. Johns. 2017. Particle flux in the oceans: Challenging the steady-state assumption. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31(1): 159-171. doi: 10.1002/2016GB005424

Köster, M. and G. -A. Paffenhöfer, G.-A.  2017. How efficiently can doliolids (Tunicata, Thaliacea) utilize phytoplankton and their own fecal pellets? Journal of Plankton Research 39(2): 305-315.  doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbw089

Poulin, B. A., J. N. Ryan, K. L. Nagy, A. Stubbins, T. Dittmar, W. Orem, D. P. Krabbenhoft, and G. R. Aiken. 2017. Spatial dependence of reduced sulfur in everglades dissolved organic matter controlled by sulfate enrichment. Environmental Science & Technology 51(7): 3630-3639 doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04142

Powers, L. C., J. A. Brandes, A. Stubbins, and W. L. Miller. 2017. MoDIE: Moderate dissolved inorganic carbon (DI13C) isotope enrichment for improved evaluation of DIC photochemical production in natural waters. Marine Chemistry 194: 1-9.  doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2017.03.007

Powers, L. C., J. A. Brandes, W. L. Miller, and A. Stubbins.  2017. Using liquid chromatography‐isotope ratio mass spectrometry to measure the δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon photochemically produced from dissolved organic carbon. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 15(1): 103-115.  doi: 10.1002/lom3.10146

Qu, B., M. Sillanpää, C. Li, S. Kang, A. Stubbins, F.Yan, K. S. Aho, F. Zhou, and P. A. Raymond. 2017. Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0178166   doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178166

Qu, B., M. Sillanpää, C. Li, S. Kang, A. Stubbins, F. Yan, K. S. Aho, F. Zhou, and P. A. Raymond. 2017. Correction: Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0181295  doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181295

Rossel, P. E., A. Stubbins, T. Rebling, A. Koschinsky, J. A. Hawkes, and T. Dittmar.  2017. Thermally altered marine dissolved organic matter in hydrothermal fluids.  Organic Geochemistry 110:73-86.  doi:  10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.05.003

Savidge, D. K., and A. E. Gargett. 2017.  Langmuir supercells on the middle shelf of the South Atlantic Bight: 1. Cell structure.   Journal of Marine Research 75(2):49-79.   doi: 10.1357/002224017821352641
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Stubbins, A, L. M. Silva, T. Dittmar, and J. T. Van Stan.  2017. Molecular and optical properties of tree-derived dissolved organic matter in throughfall and stemflow from live oaks and eastern red cedar. Frontiers in Earth Science 5:22. doi: 10.3389/feart.2017.00022

Stubbins, A., P. J. Mann, L. Powers, T. B. Bittar, T. Dittmar, C. McIntyre, T. I. Eglinton, N. Zimov, and R. G. M. Spencer. 2017. Low photolability of yedoma permafrost dissolved organic carbon. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 122(1): 200-211. doi: 10.1002/2016JG003688

Winder, M., J.-M. Bouquet, J. R. Bermúdez, S. A. Berger, T. Hansen, J. Brandes, A. F. Sazhin, J. C. Nejstgaard, U. Båmstedt, H. H. Jakobsen, J. Dutz, M. E. Frischer, C. Troedsson, and E. M. Thompson. 2017. Increased appendicularian zooplankton alter carbon cycling under warmer more acidified ocean conditions. Limnology and Oceanography 62(4): 1541-1551.  doi: 10.1002/lno.10516