Horiba Scientific confocal Raman microscope system
New for 2020 is a Horiba Scientific XPLORA plus confocal Raman microscope located at Skidaway. This instrument has the following features:
Two 100 mW laser light sources (532 and 785 nm wavelengths) together with a choice of 4 different gratings for spectroscopy (600,1200, 1800 and 2400). Grating and laser selection are software controlled.
Four different objectives (5x, 10x, 50x and 100x) as well as 2 camera systems for visual images of samples. Also a calibration objective to quickly calibrate both laser wavelength and grating efficiency.
A fully computer controlled xyz stage for sample mapping.
High sensitivity cooled EMCCD detector.
Class 1 enclosure for laser safety and ambient light control.
Full software suite for Raman spectra acquisition, mapping, particle analysis and chemo-metric analysis, as well as a database of Raman spectra for identification.
Please contact Dr. Jay Brandes (jay.brandes@skio.uga.edu) for more information on gaining instrument access/analysis time on this instrument. We offer both in-kind and per-day rates.