Hot summer internships

We have a group of five interns from Clark-Atlanta University and Spelman College just finishing up a two-month internship with Dick Lee’s aquaculture project.

Here you can see research tech Karrie Brinkley (3 from right) working with (l-r) Diamond Carr (Clark Atlanta), Matilda Young (Clark Atlanta), Chanelle West (Spelman) , Jolill Ross (Spelman) and Ashley Shannon (Clark Atlanta.)

Apparently the hot summer on a Georgia coastal island was quite a suprise to several of them. I think a couple of the chemistry majors thought they would be spending the internship in a lab coat in an air conditioned building. Actually, they did a lot of work outside in our raceways (ponds) and greenhouses.

Two of the students worked on a project to grow edible seaweed as a secondary crop. The wastewater on the salt water side of the system contains plenty of nutrients. Above, see Chanelle West harvesting some.

Here (you can see everyone, except for Ashley Shannon, who is picking a pepper (below) at this moment. (l-r) Channelle West, Matilda Young, Jolill Ross and Diamond Carr.

The will finish up by presenting as seminar to the campus community next Wedndsday at 10 am. Chanelle and Diamond will report on their seaweed project. Matilda will present a business plan for some future aquaculturist who may want to start a commercial operation. Jolill and Ashley will report on their effort to obtain ethanol from the pond scum that floats on top of the outdoor raceways and the algae that is suspended in the water.

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